The Easy Folder Listing Pro 3.0 Companion Module is a convenience extension that uses the Companion Content Plugin to display listings in module positions. Please note that without the content plugin, no listings will be rendered. All the options for the listing are configured in the component administration, and you only need to configure module only options in the Module Manager. As such, most of the documentation regarding configuring the listings is accessed via the help icons in the component views.
Please note that if you want to display a listing in the article body, do not use the Companion Module with the Joomla built-in Load Position plugin. Instead, use the Easy Folder Listing Pro Content Plugin directly.
Module Notice

When you go to the Easy Folder Listing Pro Dashboard, you may see a notice that informs you of the status of all companion extensions. If you see a notice for the Module, then you will need to enable it in the Extensions Manager.
Enable in Extensions Manager

- Navigate to the Extensions Manager
- Click on 'Manage' in the sub-menu
- Search the list of extensions by typing 'listing' in the search field
- Click on the 'Enable Plugin' button for 'Easy Folder Listing Pro Companion Module'
- The 'Enable Plugin' button will change from a red cross to a green check.
Create a Module Instance

Configure the Module Instance

- Once selected, give the module instance a descriptive name
- Specify the position that the module will be placed
- The Profile parameter gives the option to choose the profile to be used as the base for all listings. After initial installation, only the 'Default' profile will be displayed. However, as you create more profiles, these will become available to choose from in the drop down list.
- Configure Features is a link that goes directly to the component Dashboard. From the Dashboard you can go to Profiles and create new profiles. If you ever need assistance in understanding profiles, just click on the 'Help' icon avaiable in that view.
- Please Note: All the functionality and options for the extension are located and configured in the profiles.
- Lastly, please remember to specify the desired Menu Assignment for the module