Easy Folder Listing
Compare Listing Extensions
We offer multiple products that list files and allow downloading. Each has its own feature set, with similarities and differences. To better understand which product will best suit your needs, please review the comparison table below:
Feature Easy Folder Listing v2.8 Easy Folder Listing Pro v3.2 Advanced Folder Listing v1.6 Full Compatibility Extension Type Displays Files Displays Subfolders Automatic Sync (File Discovery) 1 Displays as Unordered List Displays as HTML Table Displays as Paginated Table Displays in Explorer View Hides Actual File Location Displays File Name, Size, and Date Allows Custom Text and Images Allows File Preview (Using Google Docs Viewer) On-Screen File Filter/Search 2
Multi-file Download as Archive (Zip, tar.gz) Time Limited Download links Companion Editor-Extender plugin Price Free USD $20.00 USD $20.00 Download Buy Buy - AFL uses Manual Sync, where the Administrator needs to click the "Sync" icon in the Files Manager. This will detect all the new files placed in the listing path.
- Uses full AJAX search.
Easy Folder Listing Documentation
This module is designed for Joomla 3.8, 3.9 and 4.0 alpha 5. To install go to the install/uninstall extensions page of Joomla Administrator and upload the package file. Then go to the Module Manager page and activate the module.
To use this module as content in an article, first ensure than the loadmodule plugin (Content - Load Module) is Enabled.
Second, give an arbitrary Position to the Easy Folder Listing module, such as 'x_list', and configure the parameters.
Thirdly, in the article, type '{loadposition x_list}'. Please ensure that the Menu Assignment is set to 'All Pages' or to the specific article that it is to be displayed in. To control which types of users have access to this module, set the Access Level in the module.
Name Default Value Description Choose the Parent Folder images This is the parent folder where the files are stored. It is administered by a drop-down list. Location within the Parent Folder <blank> This is the actual folder, within the parent folder (above), where the files are kept. Leave blank to show the contents of the parent folder. File Display Limit 0 Specify the maximum number of files to be displayed in the list. Specifying Zero (0) means there is no maximum, and all files will be displayed. Force encode UTF-8 None If your non-English filenames are not showing correctly, choose one of these methods to correct it. Default is set to none. Source Encoding ISO-8859-1 Character Encoding of the filename text taken from the server file system. Show Icons Yes If this option is set to Yes, each file will have an icon to describe the type of the file. Show File Extensions No If this option is set to No, each file name will be displayed without the file extension. Show File Size Yes If this option is set to Yes, the size of the file will be shown. Show Date Yes If this option is set to Yes, the date that each file was modified will be shown. Show Time (with the Date above) Yes If this option is set to Yes, the time stamp that each file was modified will be shown. If it is set to No, then only the Date will be shown. Note that if Date (above) is not shown at all, then time will not show either. Link To Files Yes If this option is set to Yes, each file will be hyperlinked for easy downloading. Forbidden file types (separate by semi-colon) htm;html;php;DS_Store This is a list of the file types that are forbidden to be listed (separated by semi-colon). Display Method Table If 'Table' is selected, the folder listing will be displayed in an HTML TABLE. If 'List' is selected, it will be displayed using the Unordered List element. If 'Layout' is selected, the folder listing will be displayed using the layout selected under the "Advanced" tab of the module. Sort Column Name This specifies the column that the list is sorted by. Sort Direction Ascending order This specifies whether we are sorting by ascending or descending order. Odd Table Row Background Color #F0F0F6 The background color of the odd table row. Even Table Row Background Color #FFFFFF The background color of the even table row. Heading Row Background Color #E6EEEE The background color of the heading row. Border Color #CDCDCD The color of the table's border.